Lifelines Flyer

As you may know, suicide is one of the top three causes of death for young people ages ten

through twenty-four. Collinsville Public Schools takes the safety and well-being of our

students very seriously. Throughout this school year we will be bringing the Lifelines

Curriculum into the classroom for our 6th, 8th, and 11th grade students. This will provide the

students with some basic information about youth suicide and, more importantly, what to

do if they are worried about themselves or a friend.

We know we couldn’t teach our students that it’s okay to ask for help if everyone in the

community—school staff, guardians and community members—didn’t know what to do if a

student approached them as a trusted adult to talk about this sensitive topic. This is why we

offer this opportunity to attend a meeting to hear more about the Lifelines program. We

encourage you to attend and to ask questions to learn more about this resource, which we

believe will enhance the competence of all members of our school community to provide a

safer environment for our students.

Wednesday October 2, 2024 from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm at the Collinsville Middle School Library

Feel free to reach out to Sarah Ellington with any questions or concerns at