Please click the link for important information regarding the basketball game at Shawnee tonight.
3 months ago, Brad Cantrell
Click on the following link to access the Cardinal Activity Newsletter for the week of December 2-7.
3 months ago, Brad Cantrell
Collinsville Public Schools would like to congratulate our Teachers of the Year for the 2024-2025 school year!
4 months ago, Dr. Jeremy Hogan
24-25 Teachers of the Year
Due to illness, the Choir/Band Jazz Night scheduled for Thursday, November 21st has been postponed. We will communicate when a rescheduled date is made official. 
4 months ago, Brad Cantrell
The JH basketball games scheduled for today at Coweta have been postponed to a date to be determined due to a water main break at Coweta Schools.
4 months ago, Brad Cantrell
Click on the following link to access the Cardinal Activity Newsletter for the week of November 18-23.
4 months ago, Brad Cantrell
Click on the following link to access the Cardinal Activity Newsletter for the week of November 11-16.
4 months ago, Brad Cantrell
Happy Friday, Cardinal Family! Please review the attached document that highlights our safety protocols in light of this week's severe weather event. I hope you enjoy a blessed weekend. As always, do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns. All the best, Dr. Hogan
4 months ago, Dr. Jeremy Hogan
Dear Cardinal Family, I want to inform you that Sylogist, our student information (parent portal) and accounting software vendor, will be undergoing updates. As a result, the system will be unavailable starting at 3 PM tomorrow, November 8th, and will remain down until 6 AM on November 11th. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to your child's school. Thank you for your understanding.
4 months ago, Dr. Jeremy Hogan
Click on the following link to access the Cardinal Activity Newsletter for the week of November 4-9.
4 months ago, Brad Cantrell
November 4, 2024 **NOTICE: Severe Weather Forecasted This Afternoon** Dear Cardinal Family, We are expecting severe thunderstorms this afternoon, which may continue into the evening. The National Weather Service has warned of a potential for tornadoes, strong winds, and hail. The storms are likely to occur between 2 PM and 6 PM, with radar showing them most likely to begin around 3:30 PM to 4 PM. At this time, I do not plan to adjust release times, as doing so could create additional logistical and safety concerns. All school sites have safety plans in place for severe weather. If the storms approach during dismissal time, we will seek shelter and only release students when it is safe to do so. As always, you may pick up your student(s) or check them out early if you prefer. Please contact your child's school site with any questions. Sincerely, Dr. Jeremy Hogan Superintendent of Schools (918) 371-2326
4 months ago, Dr. Jeremy Hogan
Community Update Nov. 4th
Happy Monday! Are you trying to decide where to eat for lunch or dinner today? We have a great option for you! Today, a portion of all sales from El Jalapeno Grill will benefit the Collinsville Education Foundation. Enjoy some delicious food while supporting a wonderful cause!
4 months ago, Dr. Jeremy Hogan
CEF - El Jalapeno Grill Fundraiser
Please be aware of the attached clear bag policy for Friday's game vs. Tulsa Hale at the East Central Football Field.
4 months ago, Brad Cantrell
Click on the following link to access the Cardinal Activity Newsletter for the week of October 28.
4 months ago, Brad Cantrell
All elementary campuses currently have no power, resulting in phone outages. Power is expected to be restored within the next hour. Parent-teacher conferences will proceed as planned.
5 months ago, Dr. Jeremy Hogan
Click on the following link to access the Cardinal Activity Newsletter for October 14-19.
5 months ago, Brad Cantrell
Happy Saturday! It's the weekend, so don't stress about preparing lunch or dinner. Today, Simple Simon's at German Corner is donating 20% of all sales to our education foundation. Take advantage of this opportunity to enjoy a delicious meal while giving back to our students and staff. It's good to be a Cardinal!
5 months ago, Dr. Jeremy Hogan
CEF Oct. Fundraiser
Cardinal Family, The weekend is finally here! Please take a moment to read the latest community update linked below.
5 months ago, Dr. Jeremy Hogan
The Collinsville Education Foundation will host the 27th Annual Cardinal Golf Scramble on October 18th. If you are interested in entering a team or becoming a sponsor, you can find more information linked below. All funds raised will go towards classroom grants and student scholarships.
5 months ago, Dr. Jeremy Hogan
CEF Golf Scramble
This Saturday, October 12th, Simple Simon's at German Corner in Owasso is hosting a fundraiser for the Collinsville Education Foundation. 20% of all sales on this day will benefit CEF. Take advantage of this great opportunity to grab lunch or dinner and support our education foundation.
5 months ago, Dr. Jeremy Hogan
CEF Fundraiser Oct. 12th